Migraine Headaches
Headaches come in many forms and can range from minor discomfort and pressure to debilitating pain with nausea with vomiting. The different causes for headaches are almost as vast as the people who suffer from [...]
Managing Menopausal Symptoms
Dear Dr. Steve: I have recently stopped taking hormone replacement therapy and I am suffering many side effects. Is there anything Chiropractors can do to help with hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause? J.F. [...]
Low Back Pain
Low back pain afflicts many people and is the most common back-related symptom. I t is estimated that 80% of adults suffer from low back pain at some time in their life. This can range [...]
Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
Dear Dr. Steve: I recently woke up and was unable to move my shoulder. It was very sore at first, with sharp pains. The pain went away after a couple of days, but I am [...]
High Blood Pressure
In North America High Blood pressure, also known as hypertension is the number one reason people visit their doctor. Blood pressure is the measurement of the force your blood places on the walls of your [...]
Headaches And What They Mean
All too often I hear people say, & Well yes, I have a headache, but it's just my normal headache'. There is no such thing as ‘normal headaches', in fact there is no such thing [...]
A common injury during the winter months is the concussion. It occurs during the icy weather from car accidents, slip and fall accidents, and our favorite sport, hockey. A concussion occurs when someone hits their [...]
Colds, Flus And The Immune System
niffles and sneezes, coughing and moaning are unfortunately the sounds of the upcoming season. Why is it that some people seem to get every cold or flu that comes along and others remain healthy with [...]
Colds and Flus
This time of year, many people are becoming fed up with the winter weather. We tend to crave the thaw of spring and the increase in sunshine. What has become known as the winter blues, [...]
Are Bad Backs Hereditary?
Dear Dr. Steve: Are bad backs hereditary? Does back pain run in the family? S.Q. Belle River Dr. Steve: This isn't a yes or no answer. The answer of course, is that some conditions that [...]