Scoliosis is defined as an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. This abnormal sideways bending of the spine can be structural or functional in nature. That means it may be due to a specific structure being deformed or it may be due to muscles being too tight on one side of the spine, causing an imbalance.

There are three main causes of scoliosis. First is trauma that causes an injury which the body must compensate for, causing a compensatory curve in the spine. The second cause is also due to compensation, but is for a postural stress that is being placed repetitively on the spine. This can be an overuse syndrome or it can be due to a pelvic unleveling or short leg syndrome. The third cause is congenital. Some children are born with scoliosis. If one parent suffers with scoliosis, there is a 25% greater chance the child will as well.

Scoliosis generally shows up in adolescents between the ages of 8-18 and occurs more commonly in females than males. When caught early, scoliosis can be corrected or at the least, managed with long term repercussions being avoided. Early detection and treatment is critical in proper management and recovery.

A series of spinal adjustments can restore proper alignment and structure to the spine, which can help muscles strengthen and improve posture. If scoliosis is left untreated, it can progress to the point where it interferes with lungs, heart and other vital organ symptoms, sometimes to the point where surgical intervention is required.

If you suspect your child has scoliosis or notice a low shoulder or poorly fitting clothing, a chiropractic evaluation can accurately diagnose the issue. It is a good idea to have all children evaluated for scoliosis before the bones fuse and the syndrome becomes more permanent.